Friday, July 9, 2010

And It's Outta Here!!

We sold our van today.  David posted it on Craiglist last night... which was kinda news to me this morning.  The van wasn't really cleaned out and ready to go yet. (Iwould have worded it differently, and had the car ready to sell, but - oh well)  But, we weren't really ready for a lot of people to jump on our post on Craigslist either.  He posted it, of course, higher than we thought we'd get for it (about twice as much as we thought we'd sell if for - negotiating room, you see.) We  figured we'd sell it to the first person who gave us a decent offer.  We just wanted to be done with the blasted thing.  By morning, we had 6 people wanting more info.  David called the first person on the list - a family from Phoenix, who, then jumped in their car and came right over. (we of course scrambled to clean out the car (some crumbs and toys from the kiddos).  We went through our LONG list of everything we have fixed in it, he looked under the hood, was willing to take it.  He gave us more than we thought we'd have to settle for!! He paid for it and THEN drove it around the corner to put some gas in it - seeing it had some issues -  and still wanted it.  YAY!  So we are done with it.  They are a pretty cool family.  I hope they are able to figure it out.  With our luck - it will be some $2 fix because we took care of all the expensive junk!  Aye! Aye Aye!  It's ok!  We are done with the thorn in our side. 
We've been driving a '95 Plymouth Neon that our friends Jessica and Trevor gave us for several weeks now. Its small, but it seats 5, so it works for us. It was a rough start at first, but still ran 100 times better than our van. The AC was hot (we recharged it - now it even freezes David!) and it was slow to start up - but it started and ran.  We have since changed out the spark plugs (only 1 was firing) and we've changed out the fuel pump and fuel filter.  It runs great now! Luckily, all this stuff, David can do.  (too bad its 110 degrees outside) Its been pretty cool to see what "little" things do to improve the performance of this car. There are a few more things to do on it  (timing belt, possibly the water pump at the same time at the timing belt, new tires, 1 motor mount, replace the seals on the spark plugs, to name a few) but its' all stuff David can do a little at a time and they are are all regular basic maintenance things - not whole system failures like in the van.  The timing belt is next on the list. 


Keith, Johanna, et al. said...

YEAH!!! Great news. Nice to make progress. Thank goodness for our men who know how to repair things. Just think how much the boys are learning from David as he does those types of things.

Sarah W. said...

Zach helped with some of the fuel filter and the spark plugs. Zach has quiet the tool kit actually. He likes to add to it (we have slowly added to it for birthdays and holiday's) he has a good time working on that kind of stuff.