Sunday, July 18, 2010

Good-bye Speed Cameras

Recently, (July 15, I think) many of Arizona's speed camera's that dotted the metro's freeways came down. Yes, I know - many Arizonans, and tourists are celebrating - including me. The contract between the state and the company that ran the camera's ended and would not be renewed.  They were very controversial, from whether or not they were effective, whether not not they were bringing in any revenue, to how the tickets were being served.  Driving down the road, there would be a sign 300 feet before the camera warning you of it's activity.  People would slow down to BELOW the speed limit for fear of getting a ticket.  Ugh!  While on the news, - weekly, you'd hear that the radar would not trigger it to snap your picture and issue a ticket unless you are going 11 miles per hour OVER the speed limit (so 76 in a 65 mph zone). Driving at night, if the camera went off -  - making anyone nearby blindly driving down the freeway... not the greatest idea ever.  I always wondered if there was an accident because of the flash, whose fault would it have been... the original speeder, the camera, or the person who crashed because they were blinded because of the speeder who triggered the flash, or the city for installing  the camera??  Could be an interesting case, yes?

But that is not exactly what I'm posting about. 

Since the cameras have come down, unfortunately... I've seen increased speeding on the roads. I was hoping that would not be the case.  Most speed limits on the freeways I drive on the most are 65 mph.  I usually find I am driving at about 70 - even with the cameras up... My habits haven't changed.  Since the cameras have come down, I have had to move to the far right hand slow lane (unusual) so that people can zoom past me, easily going 80+ on the freeway.  Kinda scary.  I'm used to being a in a bigger vehicle, but since we are in a small Neon, I kinda feel like I'm no match for these bigger SUV's that are plowing down the road.

I love (please sense the sarcasm) that when the announcement was made that the cameras would come down, it was also announced the police would be paroling more... I remember laughing at that statement. "HOW - with all the cutbacks in the police force?"  I think it will just happen during the "rush" holiday seasons as usual. 

I would LOVE to see more officers on the road, patrolling, catching the things that happen that the cameras didn't, the road rage, incidents, tailgating, drunk driving, OH and the speeding, the crazy motorcyclist popping wheelies down the freeway...  

So goodbye speed cameras! Good riddance!

(PS-Red light camera's are still around)

1 comment:

Keith, Johanna, et al. said...

Here, here, I agree with you! Good to be rid of the things.