Sunday, August 22, 2010

First Day of School

The First Day of School was Wednesday, August 4!  Wahoo!  The kids met their teachers 
Monday night before, filled out some forms, found their desks and who was in their classes.  
Zach is in 4th grade now. His teacher is Ms. Newburgh. She is probably in her mid 30's, has 3 kids and really fun.  We are really liking her a lot! She is fun, but strict.  Zach was sad that his best friend, James, was not in his class, but his other really good friend, Zachary, was. Turns out... their are a total of  3 Zach's in his class this year!! That will make things interesting for sure.  He has some big projects during the year, including his first Science Fair project, which he is SO excited about.  And at the end of the year, the 4th grade goes on a SLEEPOVER field trip to the Phoenix Zoo! David and I are "discussing" which one of us will go with him.  Such a fun experience.

Cannon, is in 1st grade and has Mrs. Walker - Zach had her for 1st grade also.  We couldn't be happier. She is the funnest teacher.  She is a bit older, ALWAYS happy, and always dancing around to music in her head.  You can't help but be happy around her! I have signed up to be the PTO liason for their class too.  His best friend, Daniel isn't in his class this year either, but one of his other good friends is. There is only 1 Cannon in his class this year!

Elliot is NOT liking that his brothers are in school with out him.  He keeps telling me that HE is going to school and I am staying home.  Its so hard being 3.

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