Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Paying a Debt

So now - 2 of my kids have their own pillow pets.  Zach had expressed concern that, although he wanted one, he didn't want for his birthday (because he didn't want to be embarrassed in front of his friends) So, he decided that he would work for it instead. (it wouldn't really be fair for him to get one just because, when the others had to wait for their birthday's)

So we set up a plan for him to be able to work and earn some money - and to be fair - Cannon could do the same thing. (its been going on for a few weeks) Its been working out pretty good actually.  Zach decided he wanted to save up all the money and then pay us back at once, plus save up more money for other fun things. 

So after Elliot opened his Pillow Pet, Cannon noticed that Zach didn't have one.  I told Cannon that Zach wanted to buy one him self and not get one for his birthday.  So Cannon said that he wanted to buy it for him - because Cannon had some money from his own birthday and work.

David and I were shocked!  We questioned Cannon to make sure that is how he wanted to spend his money and explained that I had Zach's pillow pet upstairs.  (Zach didn't know anything about this, mind you)

Cannon was positive that he wanted Zach to have his Polar Bear Pillow Pet right away and he wanted to buy it for him for a present.  How could I resist?  Really?  It was so selfless. He didn't think at all about himself - only about the happiness of his big brother. So we agreed.

Cannon and I went upstairs and got the Polar Bear, and he handed it to Zach - who was confused and shocked. Cannon practically jumped on Zach to hug him, he was so happy to do this for him. He told Zach that he is his "bestest big brother". He didn't understand at first that his debt had been paid by his little brother.

I love my kids. Such good boys!  Here is a picture of Cannon and Zach with the Polar Bear. Can you see how happy Cannon is in this picture?  It feels so good to help someone else!

Elliot Turns 3

So Friday, July 16, my "baby" turned 3.  I know, he's not really a baby anymore, but since he's my youngest, and last... well, you know... he's my baby.  (they are all my "babies" actually)

He was so cute in the morning.  At some point in the the night, he had crawled in bed with David and I.  So when I woke up and saw his cute little sleeping face, I was happy to kiss him awake and whisper "Happy Birthday, Elliot".  His sleepy little eyes opened and he smiled and  he asked, "Its my birthday!! I get presents?"  

So we went downstairs, gathered his brothers, camera and presents!  He had big eyes, a bigger smile and loved opening up the cards, seeing the pictures on the cards and surprises inside.  David read the cards to him.  Elliot giggled and squealed.  Birthdays with little kids are so fun.

We got him a pillow pet - a penguin because he LOVES a show called "3-2-1 Penguins" especially a character named "Kevin" (He says "Kebin"). He and David sing the theme song together and giggle. He was so excited.  The box, as you will see, is in a Stampin' Up! box - which he automatically said as he unwrapped it, "Mommy's work!" it was cute.

He didn't want a birthday cake - he wanted birthday ice cream.  So that is what he got. (which personally - was kinda nice since we had cake a week ago!! tee hee)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Good-bye Speed Cameras

Recently, (July 15, I think) many of Arizona's speed camera's that dotted the metro's freeways came down. Yes, I know - many Arizonans, and tourists are celebrating - including me. The contract between the state and the company that ran the camera's ended and would not be renewed.  They were very controversial, from whether or not they were effective, whether not not they were bringing in any revenue, to how the tickets were being served.  Driving down the road, there would be a sign 300 feet before the camera warning you of it's activity.  People would slow down to BELOW the speed limit for fear of getting a ticket.  Ugh!  While on the news, - weekly, you'd hear that the radar would not trigger it to snap your picture and issue a ticket unless you are going 11 miles per hour OVER the speed limit (so 76 in a 65 mph zone). Driving at night, if the camera went off -  - making anyone nearby blindly driving down the freeway... not the greatest idea ever.  I always wondered if there was an accident because of the flash, whose fault would it have been... the original speeder, the camera, or the person who crashed because they were blinded because of the speeder who triggered the flash, or the city for installing  the camera??  Could be an interesting case, yes?

But that is not exactly what I'm posting about. 

Since the cameras have come down, unfortunately... I've seen increased speeding on the roads. I was hoping that would not be the case.  Most speed limits on the freeways I drive on the most are 65 mph.  I usually find I am driving at about 70 - even with the cameras up... My habits haven't changed.  Since the cameras have come down, I have had to move to the far right hand slow lane (unusual) so that people can zoom past me, easily going 80+ on the freeway.  Kinda scary.  I'm used to being a in a bigger vehicle, but since we are in a small Neon, I kinda feel like I'm no match for these bigger SUV's that are plowing down the road.

I love (please sense the sarcasm) that when the announcement was made that the cameras would come down, it was also announced the police would be paroling more... I remember laughing at that statement. "HOW - with all the cutbacks in the police force?"  I think it will just happen during the "rush" holiday seasons as usual. 

I would LOVE to see more officers on the road, patrolling, catching the things that happen that the cameras didn't, the road rage, incidents, tailgating, drunk driving, OH and the speeding, the crazy motorcyclist popping wheelies down the freeway...  

So goodbye speed cameras! Good riddance!

(PS-Red light camera's are still around)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Birthday Boy

Today, Cannon turns 6.  Hard to believe - but true.  Looking at him, watching him, listening to him, its obvious. But, its kinda hard to imagine in some ways.  Its just gone by pretty fast.

His best friend Daniel came over last night to spend the night! Phew - glad that's over. Don't get me wrong - Daniel is a great kid.  But - I just solidifies that I only have patience for my 3 kids (and not always then!) It was a night full of pizza, video games, running, screaming, laughter, jumping off the top bunk (grrr - I didn't like that new trick), some arguing, feelings getting hurt (boys bring their own drama too).  I sent the kids to bed around 10:30- and still heard Daniel and Cannon in their room talking quietly until about 11:30.  I figured as long as they we letting everyone else sleep - it would be ok.  They did well. - They just might need naps today - which might be fine with me! Tee hee!

So today, was a bit more chaotic... we turned on the sprinklers, filled the kiddie pool - that kept them happy, and wore off some hyper boy energy for a while.  They tried playing on the Wii - that just brought on fighting.  

So around 2 - some more friends come over.  Deb (no boys - they were at their dad's) our friend Bonnie, and my friend, Chrystina, and her 4 kids, Sabina, age 8, Trevor, 5 and Gabby and Penner - 2 year old twins. (our kids play really well together)  We had cake and ice cream and opened presents.  Nothing major.  The kids were all off playing and the grown ups visited for a bit.  Cannon said he had a blast.  He told me today he can't wait until he is 7 for his next birthday because today was so fun!

Here are some fun photos of him opening presents...
(He got a Hot Wheels track and cars, Star Wars Wii game, Money from Mema and Papa, and Oma and Opa, Lego Toy Story 3 Set.)

In the Last photo, is Cannon with his long awaited Pillow Pet.  Its a stuffed animal, but it flattens out as a pillow.  It is soft and snugly too.  You may have seen these on TV or heard their obnoxious ad. Cannon - my sweet, cuddly, Cannon, was hooked and has been begging.  I had NO plans on buying him one, until I asked him what he wanted for his birthday and a pillow pet was his answer.  When I asked if he didn't get that, what else did he want... He said, "he'd wait for Christmas or Easter" UGH!  It wasn't going to go away.  Plus, there was a killer whale - and he is a sucker for a killer whale.  So, we ordered them (we ordered ones for Zach and Cannon too - because they all want them)  I had him convinced he wasn't getting one because it "wouldn't get here in time for his birthday', or "we didn't have the money", or, ""he already has a pillow, and ENOUGH killer whales!"

So the joy on his face when he opened the box was awesome. I wish I had gotten his expression on camera.  It was great.  He has been carrying it around with him ever since.  

So, he has had a busy, and fun Birthday!  Thanks for all the love and birthday wishes!

To Infinity and Beyond

All of my boys (ok, I admit and me and David too) have been big Toy Story Fans.  How can you not be? Fun characters, great story line, exciting plot, funny "one liners" great moral.  So for the end of the story to come out... is bittersweet for me. Toy Story 3 came out on my birthday this year.  I really wanted to see it on my birthday - but not really into fighting the crowds.  So we waited a couple weeks. 

We went with Deb, Cody and Bryce. They are big fans too.  Deb had bought a Buzz Lightyear costume - after the first movie came out.  Cody was Buzz for Halloween as a toddler.  Bryce was too.  My other nephew Jace wore the costume for Halloween later.  So did Zach and Cannon.  For some weird reason - Elliot freaked out last year and wouldn't wear it.  (he went as an ornery 2 year old instead)  He is too big for it now. But he looks at it in my closet all the time and gets excited! (silly kid)  

We have several Buzz and Woody toys... even a Weezy too.  We watch the movies on a regular basis.  So, yes, Toy Story 3 was like saying goodbye to beloved characters that have been part of our family.  SO YES, I cried.

Luckily, with modern technology, and great marketing we don't really have to say goodbye.

Since my dear husband works at Wal-Mart and came home with one of the Display Signs - which is now housed in Elliot's room above his window.  David hung it up without Elliot  knowing  We made him close his eyes as he came into his room (it was actually clean that day) and when he saw it for the first time, his face lit up, and he SQUEALED! It was so cute.  He gave me and David and huge hug and said we "do good work".  Its actually quite big.  Its probably 5 feet long.  It makes Buzz, Woody and Jessy seem Life size.  Elliot has been asking me off and on for months, "Mom, I go DisneyLand, meet Buzz and Mickey?"  
Someday, little man, Someday!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

And It's Outta Here!!

We sold our van today.  David posted it on Craiglist last night... which was kinda news to me this morning.  The van wasn't really cleaned out and ready to go yet. (Iwould have worded it differently, and had the car ready to sell, but - oh well)  But, we weren't really ready for a lot of people to jump on our post on Craigslist either.  He posted it, of course, higher than we thought we'd get for it (about twice as much as we thought we'd sell if for - negotiating room, you see.) We  figured we'd sell it to the first person who gave us a decent offer.  We just wanted to be done with the blasted thing.  By morning, we had 6 people wanting more info.  David called the first person on the list - a family from Phoenix, who, then jumped in their car and came right over. (we of course scrambled to clean out the car (some crumbs and toys from the kiddos).  We went through our LONG list of everything we have fixed in it, he looked under the hood, was willing to take it.  He gave us more than we thought we'd have to settle for!! He paid for it and THEN drove it around the corner to put some gas in it - seeing it had some issues -  and still wanted it.  YAY!  So we are done with it.  They are a pretty cool family.  I hope they are able to figure it out.  With our luck - it will be some $2 fix because we took care of all the expensive junk!  Aye! Aye Aye!  It's ok!  We are done with the thorn in our side. 
We've been driving a '95 Plymouth Neon that our friends Jessica and Trevor gave us for several weeks now. Its small, but it seats 5, so it works for us. It was a rough start at first, but still ran 100 times better than our van. The AC was hot (we recharged it - now it even freezes David!) and it was slow to start up - but it started and ran.  We have since changed out the spark plugs (only 1 was firing) and we've changed out the fuel pump and fuel filter.  It runs great now! Luckily, all this stuff, David can do.  (too bad its 110 degrees outside) Its been pretty cool to see what "little" things do to improve the performance of this car. There are a few more things to do on it  (timing belt, possibly the water pump at the same time at the timing belt, new tires, 1 motor mount, replace the seals on the spark plugs, to name a few) but its' all stuff David can do a little at a time and they are are all regular basic maintenance things - not whole system failures like in the van.  The timing belt is next on the list. 

Balloon Wreath

So for church, I am on the Relief Society Monthly Meeting Committee (insert your favorite term - Enrichment, Homemaking, etc) Its really fun.  We are preparing for a "Super Saturday" type activity for September (except we are doing ours on a Friday night - Probably calling it Freaky Friday)


I was asked to do some "research" by making a craft we might do, and check out the price, how long it took to make, etc.  We found this idea on the site howdoesshe.com (that will link you to the directions of the wreath too.  The only thing it doesn't tell you is the size of straw wreath.  I ended up buying a 14 inch one - which was too big for the instructions so I needed more balloons.  So get a 10-12 inch wreath.  The total cost was about $15 and it took about an hour.  (I'm not counting the extra balloons... luckily Deb had some extra balloons, I could use!!)

I love it!!... July is such a busy birthday month for our immediate family (Cannon, Elliot, David are all July birthday's - plus others in our extended families) Its fun to have something fun and festive for birthdays!

Here is my finished product!