Elliot Jones WiddisonJuly 16, 20072:50pm
9 lbs 7 oz21 1/2 inches
Can't say that I have ever been more excited to get up and be at a hospital by 5:00 am than I was when we were scheduled for the labor induction. My doctor had finally taken pity on me. The labor went really well, and only took about 7 hours from when the actually hooked me up to all the medical equipment and started the medication. My epidural took really well and they kept me very medicated this time. (I love my anesthesiologist. It took about 3+ hours for the meds to wear off of my legs. It was pretty funny)
Elliot has been our healthiest baby and took his first breath without medical intervention, unlike Zach and Cannon. He cried immediately and then peed on our doctor!! I have did not get the chance to hold Zach or Cannon right after they were born, so when I got to hold him right away, it was a great experience! After all the official medical stuff was done with him and me, we got to hold him for a while. he was very alert and curious about his new surroundings. David has always sung to our babies while I was pregnant and the boys have always recognized their special songs and Daddy's voice.
Zach and Cannon were our first visitors. Oma and Opa (David's parents) had come down from Utah to help out while we were in the hospital and for Elliot's firs week.
So they brought them to come visit us. The boys were so excited to finally meet their little brother! Cannon kept asking if Elliot was still in belly. Zach wanted to know why my belly was still big now that Elliot was finally out. I love the brutal honesty of children! They couldn't keep their eyes off of Elliot and fought over who was going to hold him and for how long. They have done really well accepting him into our family. (now we just have to get Cannon used to having to share my attention with another person.)
Zach has been asking
me for months if he would be able to feed, burp and get Elliot to sleep. He wanted to be able to cuddle him while he was sleeping. So when the time came, he decided he wanted to take a nap too (only a fake one for the camera!! Gotta love it when the kids know how to set up a cute photo. Zach knows it will make it to the scrapbook!)
Last night, 7-21-07, when it was time for family prayer before bed, Cannon had been holding Elliot. He didn't want to kneel down because he had Elliot on his lap. So we let him stay there. He kept telling Elliot it w
as time for prayer and to fold his arms. He got a little frustrated when Elliot wouldn't leave his arms folded, so he held them in place. So prayer got a bit delayed while I grabbed the camera! What a great big brother!!
David and I are doing really well adjusting to being a family of 5. I am finally feeling myself, after not feeling well during the pregnancy. I have so much more energy now. The recovery, so far, has been easy. I am trying to not take on TOO much, but it is nice to have some ambition for a change. I am grateful that David's parents were here. They helped out so much, and in so many ways! David has been able to get back to work (His dad was able to go to work with him and they had fun destroying things together). David has been very helpful when he gets home and in the middle of the night and he still lets ME sleep in on the weekends! I will try to be better keeping this updated so you can see our little guys grow up.